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Looking for some fun summer reading challenges to complete this summer? I have found the coolest summer reading programs to encourage your young readers. Sometimes as parents, it can be difficult to make reading fun and not just something school requires for homework and summers. With these summer reading programs, say goodbye to summer learning loss and hello to a summer filled with excitement and exploration through books! I hope your child feels encouraged to read more often through these reading challenges. If you participate in a few of these summer reading challenges, I can guarantee your reader will be excited to meet their summer reading goals. There are so many fun reading programs to choose from, I am excited to share a few I have found!

Everyday Reading is a fantastic blog filled with resources that include countless reading suggestions for all genres, ages, grades and more. I have personally used her book suggestions quite a few times over the years. A close second to loving the suggested reading lists is Everyday Reading’s Summer Reading Chart. A new one is created every summer, and they have the coolest designs of any reading chart I have ever seen! These reading posters are always a hit in our house. These summer reading posters are so versatile in that you can have a large one printed at Staples or Office Depot or print it a normal size at home! This year, I think we are going to work together on one large poster… I have the perfect place in our hallway for it! There are currently a few poster options: Dive Into Summer reading poster, Summer Camp reading poster and Road Trip Summer reading poster.

Who remembers Pizza Hut Book It pins from their childhood/elementary school days? Pizza Hut offers a similar program for the school year, AND they also have this awesome one for the summer! The Pizza Hut Summer Reading Program is called Camp Book It. This program is amazing! You are able to design your child’s goals to fit their needs. You are able to adjust goals to be number of pages read, number of minutes read, or number of books finished. Each month your reader completes their goal, you will receive a coupon for one one-topping personal pan pizza. I wish they had an adult program; I would sign up for it in a heartbeat! Just a quick note, you will need to set up your log in information, three days prior to starting the program. Camp Book It begins June 1st, but I would recommend going ahead and setting up your log in information, so you are ready to go!

The next reading program I am going to share is new to me, however, I am very excited to participate in it. This summer reading program is offered by Bob Jones University, also known as BJU. BJU is offering a children’s summer reading program called JourneyForth 2024 Summer Reading Challenge! This summer reading challenge begins June 1st. I love how simple this reading challenge is. The only requirements to join are signing up, reading for 15 min a day for 40 days (doesn’t have to be consecutive) and logging it into a reading log. They even offer a free reading log to use! Now for the prize information, I am not sure what the prizes will actually be. The rules state there will be a prize package sent upon completion of the reading challenge which will include two items. I know my kids will be encouraged to complete their reading goals regardless of what the prize is simply for the anticipation of getting mail!

The Good and The Beautiful Summer Reading offers our favorite summer reading program of all every summer. You are able to sign up online and choose one book for each of your children in their age range and simply pay shipping. Included with your book is a fun summer reading chart for your child to complete. Your children can start their summer reading out with their fun new book or you can save the new book as a prize for when they complete their summer reading goals! **It says they are currently out of stock, but they will have supplies back in on May 15th!!

Barnes and Nobles offers a summer reading program each year that I always seem to forget about it! Don’t be like me! Sign your kids up for this fun summer reading challenge! this reading challenge typically takes place in July and August. For this challenge, your reader simply needs to read 8 books over the course of the summer and write out which part of the book is your favorite and why. There will be a list of books for your child to pick out upon completion of the summer reading challenge. *one book is given per a child

And our favorite, I don’t believe we’ve ever missed a year (and I do it along with the kids!) is our local library’s summer reading program. For this summer reading program, your child will complete a different bingo reading challenge sheet. Some of those challenges will be to attend a library program, to read to a pet, to read to a friend or sibling, to read at night, etc. The first month the kids will receive a prize that is typically a summer toy like: a bucket, flashlight, beach ball etc. The second and third month your reader will select a new book to keep! For the adults, you also will complete a monthly bingo sheet. I believe each month for your prize; you will be able to select a new book to keep for each of the three months in the challenge: June through August.

I actually just looked up our local library program for this summer and it looks so fun! Pre-Registration begins May 28th. There is a different reading challenge each month. June 3rd-August 31st is Ocean Adventures Challenge, June 24th-August 31st is Forest Adventures Challenge and July 15th-August 31st is Arctic Adventures Challenge. Once each challenge is completed ages 0-12 will receive a book and a summer reading brag tag. Ages 13-adult will have the option to receive: a book, a vinyl sticker or a journal. I can’t wait to meet our summer reading goals!

Now if you are looking for book recommendations, I have you covered! Check out my summer reading book recommendation blog post.

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